Alexander Perocho

Full Stack Developer

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

I was introduced to programming at the age of 15 by my brother. I became hooked after building my first program: A command-line tic-tac-toe in Python.

I am currently a third year student at  Western University, seeking internship opportunities and building my portfolio through side-projects.

Check out  my old website

  1. May 2024 - Present

    • Unity

    • C#


    A first-person multiplayer horror game that simulates being stranded in the ocean. Currently under development.

  2. Apr 2024 - Present

    • ReactJS

    • NextJS

    • TypeScript

    • Tailwind

    Perocho OS

    a Web Based Windows OS side project. Inspired by Dustin Brett. Currently under development

  3. Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

    • Java

    • Swing

    • JSON

    Lite Code

    Developed an educational app that visualizes the code-structure and execution-stack of computer programs.

  4. Feb 2024 - Feb 2024

    • ReactJS

    • TypeScript

    • Overpass

    • Open StreetMaps

    Terra Talks

    A web-app that leverages OpenAI’s NLP API to parse user input into Overpass Turboqueries, locating geo-referenced objects through Open Street Maps API.

  5. Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

    • HTML

    • CSS

    • JavaScript

    • Jquery

    Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

    A web-app that visualizes simple quadratic and logarithmic sorting algorithms.

  6. Oct 2021 - Nov 2021

    • HTML

    • CSS

    • JavaScript

    • JQuery


    A Chess Web-App made with vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Created during a time where I was obsessed with Chess.